Amazing Trivia 2024 Desk Calendar

Amazing Trivia 2024 Desk Calendar
The obsessive calendar for knowledge buffs and trivia night regulars. Amazing Trivia! is the perennially bestselling calendar packed with fun, surprising facts to feed your curiosity and entertain your friends. Here is science trivia: What percentage of humans worldwide have naturally red hair? (Between 1 and 2 percent.) Entertainment trivia: In Sesame Street, the ?cookies? that Cookie Monster eats aren?t really cookies. What are they? (Rice cakes painted to look like cookies?the butter in real cookies would stain the costume.) And sports trivia: Where can the world?s oldest baseball field be found? (Labatt Park in London, Ontario, Canada, built in 1877.) If you?re stumped, you can find the answer on the back of the page. Printed on responsibly sourced paper and 100% recyclable.